Catholic Priest Bites Woman During Holy Communion

a priest giving sacrament

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Have you ever wondered whether a priest can bite you while celebrating the Holy Communion? A woman in Florida is now a victim and has blamed a priest of biting her during a communion service.

According to Orlando Diocese, the woman whose identity was not disclosed, had attended a 10 a.m. service at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in St. Cloud on Sunday.

A statement from the diocese stated that Rev. Fidel Rodriguez had a quick talk with the woman. He pointed out she hadn’t followed the correct steps for Communion. After that, he blessed her and told her to leave.

The diocese reported that two hours later, she returned for the service and attempted to receive Communion again.

Rodriguez requested about her Confession, which is needed for the Eucharist, the woman said, That’s none of your business.

The church stated that Rodriguez, unaware of the woman’s background, gave her Holy Sacrament.

The diocese noted that the woman aggressively placed her hand into the container and took some Lord’s Supper bread, crushing them. Rodriguez, limited to only one hand, had a hard time with the woman as she wouldn’t let go of the Holy Communion Bread.

As per the church, the woman then pushed Rodriguez, causing him to bite her hand so she would release the hosts she had grabbed. The woman was requested to leave immediately.

Police investigated what happened at the church in St. Cloud, which is around 30 miles south of Orlando.

a priest giving sacrament

A priest giving sacrament

According to the charging affidavit, Rodriguez was charged with battery.

The woman informed the police that Rodriguez attempted to forcefully push the sacred host when he got frustrated with her for not completing the necessary steps for Communion.

The woman claimed in the report that he grasped and gnawed her arm while she was trying to get a wafer from him. As per the police report, Rodriguez claimed she initiated the attack, and he was attempting to maintain the holiness of the Lord’s Supper.

He told the police that the woman pushed him and wouldn’t give up the tray. He explained that he had to resort to biting her arm because he couldn’t find any other way to get her to release it, according to the police report.

The police reported that there was video footage of the incident from witnesses.

According to the Diocese of Orlando, they don’t approve of physical altercations like this one, but they believe Father Rodriguez was acting in good faith to protect the Holy Communion from being desecrated.

The diocese said that it’s not something that can be demanded arbitrarily by someone, and it’s certainly not just a cookie like the person who complained called it.

The affidavit stated that the woman declined medical attention, and the police photographed the bite mark. The St. Cloud Police have sent the summary of the affidavit’s events to the State Attorney’s Office for evaluation.

The Ninth Judicial Circuit State Attorney’s Office stated to CNN on Friday that they have received the case and are now evaluating it to decide what actions to take next.