Did you know that about two in three people have experienced car sickness-also known as motion sickness- in their life? Traveling means finding yourself and enjoying the beauty around you.
But don’t forget about eating well. It can be tough to stay healthy while traveling because there aren’t always good food choices, your eating times can be all over the place and fast food is everywhere. So, carefully think about what you eat on your journey.
Also, if you’re likely to experience motion sickness, ensure you only eat foods that won’t upset your stomach. it’s even more important to eat foods that won’t upset your stomach. Always be mindful of what you eat to stay healthy and enjoy your journey.
How to eat healthy while travelling?
Staying healthy on trips needs planning. Check out the neighbouring stores and menus before you depart. Experts advise carrying snacks, a refillable water bottle and picking foods high in protein and fiber to keep you full.
Do not stick to your usual diet that much. Instead, try new foods while adventuring. Enjoy the journey and embrace some food related discoveries along the way!
How to eat healthy on a plane?
Business trips and vacations often mean flying, but airports aren’t known for healthy food options. Stress from checking bags and waiting in line can make you forget about eating right. Soon, you’re hungry, with only airport or plane food to choose from. Below are some things which you may consider:
- Plan ahead: Don’t skip meals during your flight. Travel can be wearisome, so adhere to your eating routine. Bring snacks like dried fruit, nuts, or protein bars in your carry-on.These won’t take much space and will stay fresh.
- At the airport or on the plane: Avoid heavy, unhealthy foods that leave you feeling bloated. Airport and plane meals are often high in sugar and salt. Find a restaurant where you can sit and eat a balanced meal. Eat slowly and listen to your body.
- On the plane, choose meals with fruits, veggies, protein, and whole grains. To prevent unnecessary snacking, ensure you balance your choices. Opt for nutritious snacks like fresh fruit or peanuts. Drink enough water and limit caffeine and alcohol to evade extra calories and bathroom trips.
A photo of two people enjoying their meal on a plane
How to eat healthy during a vacation?
Here are some easy tips for eating healthy while on your vacation:
- Gather healthy snacks like fruits, yogurt, and whole-grain snacks.
- Try to eat local foods to experience new flavors and ingredients.
- Look for veggie-packed dishes when dining out.
- Treat yourself to one indulgence per day, like a dessert or drink.
- Eat mindfully, paying attention to when you’re full.
- Limit alcohol to one drink per day and drink water alongside it.
- Stay hydrated by drinking a lot of water on your entire trip.
A photo of a lady on her vacation
Whether you are going on a vacation, travelling by air or road, remember to eat healthy. Poor eating habits can lead to motion sickness which can make you fail to enjoy your vacation.