Nutritional Advice for a Disease-Free Lifestyle

Plate with food rich in protein, vegetable and vitamin

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What you eat goes hand in hand with your health. Maintaining a healthy diet is key to avoid contacting different types of diseases. Some of the proven ways to maintain a healthy nutrition is by adhering to some rules set by health experts

Choose Good Carbohydrates

Learning what to eat and what not to eat is key when maintaining nutrition not all carbohydrates are good carbohydrates learn what not to indulge in and what to make a daily or weekly inclusion while you prepare your meals and also when dining at restaurants.

Some examples of bad carbohydrates are white bread, sugars, white rice, breakfast cereals, dough, pastries, pizza, white Flour, and refined grains which are stripped of nutrients like fiber and bran which are likely to cause blood glucose to rise, you can also eat them moderately to avoid the side effects of consumption.

An alternative to the bad carbohydrates is essentially the ones with a lot of fiber like brown bread, and brown flour or overly switching to foods with whole grains, vegetables, and fats from vegetables.

Limit Food High in Saturated Fats

Know which foods contain good types of fat and the bad ones, examples of good fats are the ones with vegetable sources like sunflower, soy, olive, and canola which are also known as polyunsaturated fats and are good for cooking and salad dressing.

They reduce the risk of disease. Some of the bad fats include palm oils like coconut, and others are found in cheese, meat, milk fat, pork, butter, and lard just to mention a few. So by now, I think you understand what types of fat are good for the body and the ones that are not.

Plate full of vegetables

Plate with vegetables

Cut on Sodium Intake

Research shows that the body needs up to 500 mg of sodium per day for some vital body functions, too much sodium intake has many health risks, including a slump of calcium from the bones which leads to bone deformities.

It also leads to heart diseases which cause stroke and high blood pressure which in some instances causes death to the affected person, sodium which is commonly found in salt can be limited to little or no use at all.

Increase in Calcium and Vitamin D

It’s common knowledge that for bone health you need calcium and vitamin D but too much of it can also be a health risk calcium and vitamin D help in the formation of strong bones right from birth so as we grow it’s essentially important to maintain a healthy level of calcium and vitamin D which also support brain health and the immune system.

Make Water Essential

Water is life and this fact alone should make you just want to have a bottle with you anytime whether it’s at home or going out.

Some of the benefits of water include regulating body temperature, carrying nutrients to your cells, preventing constipation, flushing bacteria from the bladder and aids in digestion.Water has a variety of benefits only if you pay attention to some of the healing power that is water.