If you are on the market to purchase a property, be aware of any defects and observe due diligence. These defects are easier to spot if you know where to look, but challenging if you are a first-time home buyer.
A sure way to detect defects is through inspection by an independent property valuer. If a spot check reveals defects in the subject property, look elsewhere.
What To Look for and Strike a Good Deal
With heavy rains and flooding, you may want something durable to prevent rainwater from entering your home’s interior space. When house shopping, remember that defects that appear negligible may signify problems. Below are some common property defects to be wary of when buying a house:
Wall Cracks and Crevices
Cracks may let water seep in and cause mold and structural damage. Cracks result from various factors, including weathering or natural wear and tear. A wall with cracks all over it is disastrous.
Old house structures
Leaking roof
Leaks from the roof compromise structural integrity by causing dampness and mold growth. Roofing tiles may slip or break compromising the integrity and durability of other structures such as gutters. If you ignore leaks, the situation may worsen even further, and the damages will be disastrous.
Keep an eye on the sealing of any openings or installations. Check their durability and ensure they are in good shape. Leaking roofs let in water that trickles into timber making it favorable for fungi to grow. Be wary of peelings on stumps near ceilings, as this is strong evidence of dry rot.
Uneven Roof Surface
If the roof surface is uneven or appears out of proportion, there could be an underlying cause. Check whether the house has a strong roofing structure and if anything is pressing down the roof, thus overloading it. You cannot while away pest infestation either, so inspect this possibility.
Blocked Gutters
Neglect and failure to keep gutters clean and clear of debris lead to blockages that cause overflow and more property damage. Fortunately, blocked guttering problems are easy to fix. However, you may also need to involve professionals who can determine if more serious problems need immediate attention.
House structure and location
Determine what you need from how you want your house to look like ti where its situated. you dont want to but a house that is not to your liking and may be situated in a not so much condusive environment.
In Conclusion a professional inspector will help you identify what you may overlook. They consider various elements including electrical installations, plumbing, chimneys and ventilation. If the defects are minimal, you can arrange to get repairs done by the seller through a written agreement.