The high church growth rate in Kenya appears to contradict a general notion from the Western world that religion is fast fading with some experts putting timelines on the possible extinction of the church. However, these details only make sense in countries like Britain and other Western countries. In Kenya, the case is quite different going by the high number of churches coming up in the country. Churches Continue to Increase in Kenya Amid Uproar from Relevant Authorities Since the days of the first church in Kenya in the 18th century, Kenya has continued to register new churches that have grown since then. Today, the country has over 4000 churches spread in all parts of the country and this figure is likely to go up even further in the coming days. These churches however do not represent many Kenyans that are looking for salvation but rather many people that are looking for worshipers and believers. Church has become like a business in Kenya or at the very least, a legal get-rich-quick scheme. Cases like that of Pastor James Wanjohi a preacher now turned a conman who has defrauded innocent people with over 600 million Kenyan shillings strongly affirm this notion. Mr. Wanjohi and such masquerades establish churches in the country with the primary view of not offering spiritual nourishment but rather using it as a launch pad to their desired luxury life. These individuals are preying on many despondent and unsuspecting Kenyans who are laden with endless problems. These Kenyans turn to church in the hope of finding solutions to their problems as promised by the church only to end up disappointed in the end. Even worse, some of these churches operate in a cult-like manner with some going to extreme lengths of even ending lives. Such like was the case with one infamous man of God as he would prefer to be called McKenzie who ran what many people can only refer to as a cult in shkhahola. In his church, people lost lives under unclear circumstances and were buried within the premises of his church secretly. Pastor Mckenzie in police custody The revelation of these activities and discoveries that were made in his church shook the nation to the core making people from across the country doubt the motive and purpose of some churches in the country. The Kenyan Church Has Lost Credibility Even though the number of churches in the country continues to grow, the Kenyan church has completely lost credibility in the eyes of Kenyans. Many people now doubt whether some churches are actually what they claim to be as most of their activities speak to something else. Known religious leaders now do not shy and fear of engaging in some Ungodly activities that appear to contradict what they teach and what the bible says. What is surprising is that most of the pastors or so-called men of God who engage in some of these activities like immorality always have a line of defence whenever they are confronted to justify their wayward acts. It is such acts that have prompted public uproars among Kenyans with many of them calling for the regulation of the church. Kenyans want the church to adhere to a certain set of regulations that seek to protect and safeguard innocent believers who find themselves in the hands of some of these preying preachers. The Church Strongly Opposes Proposals to Regulate It by the Kenyan Government Amid rising cases of Ungodly activities happening in churches many of which have left innocent Kenyans either dead, hurt, or even conned off their hard-earned money, Kenyans have started to call for the regulation of the church in the country. Pastor Ezekeil in police custody However, the church has come out strongly to oppose such proposals terming them as deliberate attacks on the word and enactment of the will of God. They argue that some of the unlawful and Ungodly incidents and things seen in some of the Kenyan churches only happen in several churches the country and not all. In what is now seen to be the development of the famous “it is not everyone” line, the church in the country argues that everyone cannot be punished for the mistakes of the few. As such, they demand that the Government only deal with the few church leaders indicted of some of the heinous acts raised and not everyone. Kenyans Need Proper Sensitization about the Church The biggest enablers of the cult-like church following in Kenya are the Kenyans who are not firm and courageous enough to stand up and confront evil right in its face. A lot of what has been meted on innocent believers in the country like in Shakhahola could have easily been avoided had relevant members stood up early on and faced their church leaders early on. Bodies being exumed from Pastor Mackenzis property Unfortunately, that was not the case and is less likely to be in the future as churches do not make provisions for corrections or divergent opinions. Theirs is a firm authority that cannot be put to task by anyone as that amounts to questioning God according to them. Church members who attempt to do so are often threatened and intimidated with curses and other dire consequences used as weapons to silence them. As a result, many of them remain silent in the face of such ungodly church practices. Such cases highlight the importance of sensitizing Kenyans on their rights and empowering their voice to stand up against evil in the church. The Government and other stakeholders should invest their energy and resources in such initiatives as they are the only viable weapon that can be used to bring to halt evil practices in the Kenyan church at the moment.