The long-awaited statement from the family on whether Cheruiyot’s body will be retrieved from Mount Everest was finally made on Wednesday. The family of the heroic mountain climber said that Cheruiyot’s body will remain at Mount Everest. According to the family, it will be expensive and dangerous to retrieve the body of their kin. While they describe the decision as painful, they confirm that they made it after consultation and considering the circumstances involved. They then came to the difficult and painful decision to let Cheruiyot’s body remain where he died. Cheruiyot died on the Summit of Mount Everest after he went missing for hours and lost communication with his guide. According to the family, Cheruiyot might have taken a fall at 8,848 meters, believed to be the most dangerous spot on the Mountain. The family confirms that it would be risky to try and retrieve the body from that spot and they wouldn’t want to endanger any more lives in the process. They are comforted by the climber’s deep love for the mountain and find solace in that he will be resting at his happy place. Cheruiyot was an enthusiastic mountaineer who went to great heights to achieve his quest for the mountain. He had climbed different mountains before and achieved great milestones. One of them was becoming the first African to climb Manaslu up to 8,163 meters without supplementary oxygen. Cheruiyot dressed preparing to climb Everest Cheruiyot had climbed Mt Everest more than ten times before and later decided to launch the “Big Project 2024: Everest No Ox.” The project was his mission to test human capacity by climbing the tallest mountain in the world without supplementary oxygen. While he was aware of the danger ahead, Cheruiyot’s love for the mountain pushed him forward. Unfortunately, he did not live to celebrate the success of the mission as it ended in his death. According to his friends and fellow mountaineers, he indeed died a hero. More than 300 people have died in their attempt to climb Mount Everest. Over 200 bodies remain unretrieved from the mountain following dangerous conditions and expensive costs. It will take over Ksh9 million to retrieve a body from the mountain and up to eight people to carry it. Cheruiyot’s body is among those that will be left unretrieved from Mt Everest. According to the mountain officials, the bodies left at the mountain do not decompose owing to the extreme weather conditions. Unretrieved bodies in Mt. Everest Due to the danger and costs involved, many families, now Cheruiyot’s included, prefer to leave their loved ones there and carry a memorial service back home. Cheruiyot’s family will hold a memorial service for their kin in Nairobi and at his home in Nandi County, Chepterit Village. The family appreciates the condolence messages they’ve received from friends, relatives, and the community, including the KCB Group where the climber worked. They also thank Seven Summit Treks for their support and guidance throughout the entire period.