A Kenyan Woman, Faith Mwikali Ndiwa, has been arrested for scamming a bank CEO by claiming to be Raila’s personal doctor. Faith’s case, which is almost similar to the notorious 419 scam, consists of a fake KEMSA procurement deal. In a report given by investigators, Faith’s arrest resulted from a situation in May 2022, when Faith visited Guarantee Trust Bank and asked for a talk with the CEO. Faith requested help with some money advice from the CEO as she had some 70 million in her bank account, according to a statement from the bank CEO. The CEO gave Faith a piece of financial advice and told her to make her own decision.. Faith later returned to the bank, borrowing money which she stated that she needed to settle her mother’s medical bills. The CEO asked her about the 70 million which she said she had in her bank account. Faith, responding to the claims, stated that she used the money to buy a house in Karen. A clear photo of Faith The CEO, satisfied with the information from Faith, told her to visit the bank where she was given eight million Kenya Shillings loan. Faith called the CEO after a period of one month. This time round, she declared to be Raila Odinga’s representative, whom she stated that he had acquired a Ksh. 19 million procurement deal with Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (KEMSA) to provide them with permanent Insecticidal Nets (LLINs). Detectives stated that Faith showed them the contract, bill of lading documents and procurement deal documents to the complainant which were under the name of Raila Odinga for them to finish the deal. Faith stated that Ksh. 8 million was already cleared by Raila’s son in law, but the remaining amount was urgently required to unload the nets which were already pending at the Mombasa Port. A photo of Raila Odinga whom Faith claimed to be representing Faith guaranteed the CEO that once KEMSA disbursed money for the tender she would pay a portion of the profits. The complainant agreed to send the money to the suspect’s bank account after Faith assured him the loan would be repaid in a period of one month. Investigators later came to discover that Faith gave account numbers belonging to Al Husinaim Motors Limited, a motor vehicle company, where she bought a modern Range Rover motor vehicle, with registration number KDM 311N. After obtaining the required money, Faith immediately turned her phone off. This made the CEO suspect her and he immediately reported the case to the police. Further investigations by the detectives revealed that the KEMSA deal never existed. The detectives later came to discover that Faith had been involved in another similar case where she lied that she was working as a physician for the First Lady before the Nairobi DCI area. They later found that the job card which she had presented to them was a fake one. On Monday, May 28, 2024, Faith made a plea for seven criminal offenses when she was put on trial at the Milimani law courts. Faith, who is now at Lang’ata Women’s Prison, is awaiting her bail application hearing.