Smartphone use in the bedroom has become common among many Kenyans lately. Frequent technological advancement is a significant attribute of this trend. When you jump into a social media app like TikTok in the middle of the night, Kenyans flock to it for entertainment and video sharing. Have you ever asked yourself why? Affordable internet is a factor leading to increased smartphone use in the bedroom. Most users can easily surf the internet cheaply without breaking their wallets. While it might seem like a great time to be alive, the downside is that it breeds addiction. Most people spend most of their time switching from one app to another, whether for entertainment, education, or communication. Read this article to find out why you should stop carrying your smartphone to the bedroom. Why Carrying Your Smartphone to The Bedroom Is Not An Option 1. Interrupted Sleep Patterns Imagine switching between apps for long hours while in the bedroom. Chances are you will not even think of sleeping; if you do, you’ll find it challenging to start sleeping smoothly. That will ultimately have an impact on your regular sleeping pattern. A solid sleep pattern is admirable in a culture that values sleep and rejuvenation. However, to avoid struggling and adopting a weird sleeping habit, keeping the smartphone away from the bedroom is advisable. 2. It Could Make You Feel Depressed A lady looking depressed and in deep thoughts Have you noted that sometimes you wake up depressed, yet you go to bed stress-free? The answer could probably be in your smartphone. When going through social media, you might notice that some people are doing better than you. You may also encounter celebrities flaunting their affluent lifestyles. That may make you start stressing about how to be like them. Therefore, it’s ideal to avoid carrying your smartphone to the bedroom to stay healthy. Additionally, research from Baylor University indicates that people who use their smartphones frequently are vulnerable to moodiness and temperamental behavior. So, you might not be an exception. What Should You Do Instead? To have quality sleep, you should stick to particular hours of using your phone to minimize overexposure to blue lights. Additionally, start reading a physical book instead of carrying your phone just before sleep. You can also set reminders on your phone to alert you that you need to sleep. This way, you will have a healthy and uninterrupted sleep pattern.